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Profile page of 4onthetrax’s owner “Yosshie 4onthefloor”.

4onthetraxのオーナー”Yosshie 4onthefloor”のプロフィールページです。

Yosshie 4onthefloor

Yosshie 4onthefloor Artist Photo (2024).JPG
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His career as a Tech Dance trackmaker started in 2017.

He has participated in Japan's leading Hard Dance labels "exbit trax" and "HYVE".

His tracks are recorded on the same CD alongside famous trackmakers such as Remo-con, Nhato, DJ Noriken, and Hommarju.

In 2020, he launched his own label "4onthetrax",

and started releasing his own Tech Dance tracks regularly.

He invites talented trackmaker from each generation such as Ken Plus Ichiro, ni-21, and s-don as remixers.

Some releases of that label are supported by "Remote Control" of "" and "Aobashi Hour" of "FM Odawara".

And, he also released a collaborative EP with Shinkai waveS Records in 2022.

His goal is to make Tech Dance a popular genre.


日本屈指のハードダンスレーベルである"exbit trax"や"HYVE"に参加し、

Remo-con、Nhato、DJ Noriken、Hommarjuといった著名トラックメイカーと同じCDに楽曲が収録されている。



リミキサーとしてKen Plus Ichiro, ni-21, s-donといった各世代の実力者を招聘しており、

""の"Remote Control"や"FMおだわら"の"アオバシアワー"で一部リリースがサポートされている。

また、2022年にはShinkai waveS RecordsとのコラボEPもリリースした。


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