2020年2月7日"Flash Gun EP" is started reservation on iTunes Store.4onthetrax's second release "Flash Gun EP" has been pre-ordered on the iTunes Store.[iTunes Store]If you use iTunes Store, please make a reservation!4onthetrax第2弾の"Flash Gun EP"のiTunes Storeでの予約が開始されました。[iTunes Store]iTunes Storeをお使いの方はぜひ予約をお願いします!
4onthetrax's second release "Flash Gun EP" has been pre-ordered on the iTunes Store.[iTunes Store]If you use iTunes Store, please make a reservation!4onthetrax第2弾の"Flash Gun EP"のiTunes Storeでの予約が開始されました。[iTunes Store]iTunes Storeをお使いの方はぜひ予約をお願いします!